Recession OR Realization ?

    What is the first thing we think of when you hear the word ‘RECESSION’ ? Answer is : Job losses. I feel very sorry for all the people who lost their jobs even after working hard like hell. In addition, one other term we know and sometimes we overlook to mention is ‘PRICE CUTS’. Every industry is offering price cuts in their products for consumers.
For example ; Check this polo Ralph Lauren shorts in one store which was priced at $85 but now it is offered at approximately 80% off the original price.

Similarly restaurants are offering food for a cheap price these days. Not to forget, cars, houses etc .. everything is offered at lower prices. Some of them offer less than <10% off and some of them more. Just google for discounts on whatever you want, there is a fair chance that you will find one these days.


The questions we need to ask ourselves is, should we be happy for the low prices or were we being ripped off with the prices before recession ? Or is the quality in stores and restaurants going down after recession? If by any chance, quality is reduced in the restaurants and grocery stores or anywhere in the food we buy, that means we are buying health problems for a cheaper price now.

How are restaurants and grocery stores able to offer food for lower prices compare to earlier? I couldn't find any correct answer so far, if any of you know please let us know.

Are we learning anything from recession?

Is government setting up proper rules and guidelines so that we don’t suffer from some company’s CEOs selfish decision?

  We are learning but I don’t think we are still not learning enough because we still see people spending a lot than saving. And government is encouraging us to spend money rather than thinking of other ways to control or end recession

Friends, lets enjoy the reduced prices but at the same lets be careful on the quality of food that we are eating and feeding our children and friends. As always, i am waiting for your comments and Thank you for reading.!!!!


Anonymous September 26, 2010 at 11:44 PM  

I totally agree with your arguement.I think we just got ripped off before recession by any consumer market.
I don't think anybody has a good conclusion between the price difference between now and past. I think its each single human being responsibility to be careful on their future investments or spendings.

Sai September 26, 2010 at 11:44 PM  

And some of the companies (like Oracle) take the advantage of recession by cutting down salaries, buying out competitors/fellow companies(with slashed prices that you mentioned).
Once the recession is gone, these companies start planning for the next one.

Praveen September 27, 2010 at 1:02 AM  

yeah, thats 100% true. Its more in individual's hands to judge..

Praveen September 27, 2010 at 1:05 AM  

Thats correct with many other companies as well. They are using recession as a reason to re-org the company and later show profits in quarterly results. We forget that these profits are because of lay offs not because of company's progress..

Shruthi September 27, 2010 at 11:19 AM  

well said dude!! :-)

but am bad at commenting just wanted to say keep writing

Harika September 27, 2010 at 3:23 PM  

Thats true. Companies are trying to show that they are balancing ? but really making profit out of it. Cutting down on employees, at the same time they are getting their work done with the rest , the people who fortunately or unfortunately stayed back ! At the same time stopping their raise or cutting down on the existing salaries. Coming back to the costs of products out there, dont you guys ever think that the clothing companies are in losses and trying to sell for less. NO !! the clearence were always there...may be less. Think about it. These companies are very smart to survive. Coming back to the Quality...I think Quality is a very relative term now a days ....

Vinay Vijayakumar September 27, 2010 at 8:05 PM  

Ok this is an interesting topic... I dont wanna go into too much detail... But the American economy is built on consumer spending. I read in a very credible source that 70% of the economic activity in US is from consumer spending. So, naturally the recession only assured price drops. Its not really a 'rip-off'. Yup all supporting businesses for any business had to drop cost. They did not have a choice. Its a revival of the economy. Its the same about the quality as well. Business now can afford to sell lower cos their cost of business itself has gone lower. Not bcos they were ripping us off before.

With regard to corporates, most of them are using the recession to perform a clean-up. A much needed clean-up. They hired every man who walked by the office before. Now they are just making a more competent workforce. Some of them just cannot afford 'numbers' any more as well. I don say all their actions are completely genuine. But, its lookin up so far... so its all rite...
Instead of being cynical, under these conditions, all we can do is plan our spending and be judicious about the money that goes out. We will see recovery, we will see prices soar again and we will see salaries go up (not proportionally, no ;) ) and we will spend more. We are in a vicious cycle. Yup ;)

Praveen September 27, 2010 at 8:20 PM  

@Shruthi... Thank you

@Harika....So true with companies and quality... Clothing companies clearance was always there but 1. Not to the extent that they have now 2. Items use to be in clearance when the season changes and when existing clothes are out of fashion

Praveen September 27, 2010 at 8:30 PM  

very well said..but
I dont think its justifiable to reduce the price of any item by more than 50% in < 4-6 weeks from its arrival in store. I never use to see so much sale/discounts in stores like bloomingdales, nordstrom or macys or other stores like kohls etc.. And car prices as well, on radio you can hear everyday sales and offers for various brands.. what would these stores have done hadn't there been recession?

and about corporate, i know many competent people who got laid off based on numbers calculation.. do you think they are making workforce competent now.. NO..not 100% true.. they are recruiting cheaper workforce..
you are right, its all in our (individual) hands to make our life smooth rather than waiting for someone else to fix the system.. YEP, cycle goes on n on... :)

thnk u for your insightful comments though..

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